The Glamour of Grammar, Roy Peter Clark; Heaven & Earth Holding Company, John Hodgen; My Grandfather Singing, Jesse Millner; Shake It and It Snows, Gailmarie Pahmeier; The Gendarme, Mark T. Mustian; How to Write a Sentence, Stanley Fish; Local Hope, Jack Heflin; Once Upon a River, Bonnie Jo Campbell; Clear Eye Tea, Mary Bonina; The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow; That Went Well, Terrell Harris Dougan; Encyclopedia of the Exquisite, Jessica Kerwin Jenkins; Sleights of Mind, Stephan L. Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde with Sandra Blakeslee; At Home, Bill Bryson; Laura Rider's Masterpiece, Jane Hamilton; The Book of 1,001Trivia Questions, Campbell, Jenkins, McKay; Selected Stories, William Trevor; The Memory Chalet, Tony Judt; Halls of Fame, John D'Agata; Hard Ground, Michael O'Brien and Tom Waits; And the Pursuit of Happiness, Maira Kalman; Hustle, Jason Skipper; Monsieur Pain, Roberto Bolano; The Art of Asking Your Boss for a Raise, Georges Perec; Freak Nation, Kate Stevens; Reality Hunger, David Shields; Caravaggio, Painter of Miracles, Francine Prose; Criminal Mentality, Gerald Locklin; Confessions of a Young Novelist, Umberto Eco; The Mind's Eye, Oliver Sacks; Dirty Sign Language, Evan Wondolowski,; Moonwalking with Einstein, Joshua Foer; Collections of Nothing, William Davies King; For the Time Being, Annie Dillard; Heber Springs Portraits, Toba Pato Tucker; Travels With Herodotus, Ryszard Kapuscinski; Go the Fuck to Sleep, Adam Mansbach; Sanctuary, Ken Bruen; I'm the One with the Blue Cap On, Jeffrey Knapp; The Guards, Ken Bruen; I is an Other, James Geary; Tao Te Ching, Lau Tzu; Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha, Roddy Doyle; The Mutations of Rollerball, William Harrison; Art & Artifice, Jim Steinmeyer; Go Fish, Mr. Fish; The Lexicon of Real Ameican Food, Jane and Michael Stern; Hollywood, Florida, C. Richard Roberts; Philosophy A Beginner’s Guide to the Ideas of 100 Great Thinkers, Jeremy Harwood; Tropicalia, Emma Trelles; The Things They Carried, Tim O'Brien: Wicked Good Words, Mim Harrison; Another Way of Telling, John Berger and Jean Mohr; Coyote v. Acme, Ian Frazier; Hoops, Major Jackson; The Naive and the Sentimental Novelist, Orhan Pamuk; Missed Connections, Sophie Blackall